1) Positive Mental Attitude
All riches begin with a state of mind. And remember, it is the one thing over which you have sole control. This is the starting point of all riches, whether they be material or intangible. It attracts true friendship and the hope of future achievement. You labor in the highest plane of your soul, creating. It attracts harmony in home relationships and friendly cooperation. It frees you from fear and provides you with the riches of enthusiasm. It inspires you with the riches of song and laughter, which indicate your state of mind. The joy of knowing that the mind can and will serve any desired end if one will take possession of it and fuel it with a definite purpose. It elicits the riches of play through which one may lay aside all of the burdens of life and become as a little child again. It puts you in touch with one’s “other self” – the self which knows no such reality as permanent failure. The wisdom of meditation through which one may draw upon the great universal supply of infinite intelligence at will. These and all other riches begin with a positive mental attitude.
2) Sound Physical Health
Sound health begins with a “health consciousness” produced by a mind that thinks in terms of health instead of sickness. It requires temperance in eating and commitment to physical activity.
3) Harmony in Human Relationships
Harmony with others begins with yourself. “To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou cans’t not then be false to any man” ~Shakespeare
4) Freedom From Fear
Nobody who fears anything is free. The seven basic fears that appear in the mind are poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love,loss of liberty, old age, and death.
5) The Hope of Achievement
The greatest of all forms of happiness comes from hope of achievement of some yet unattained desire.
6) The Capacity for Faith
Faith is the connection with the conscious mind and all that is. It is the fertile soil of the garden of the human mind where all riches in life are produced. It is the stuff that gives creative power and action to the impulses of your thoughts.
7) Willingness to Share One’s Blessings
Happiness comes only by sharing. Riches that are not shared will ultimately die. All riches may be multiplied by the simple process of sharing them where they may serve others.
8) Labor of Love
Labor is the highest form of human expression of desire. The forerunner of all human progress. All labors of love are sanctified because they bring the joy of self-expression.
9) An Open Mind on All Subjects
It is only the person with an open mind who becomes truly educated and who is thus prepared to receive the greater riches of life.
10) Self-Discipline
The person who cannot master himself may never become of the master of anything else. Those that master themselves become the masters of their destiny. The greatest expression of this is in humility of the hear when one has attained great riches or has been overtaken by that which is called “success”.
11) Capacity to Understand People
Comes from the basic understanding that all people are fundamentally like and evolved from the same place. Those who understand what motivates others must first understand what motivates themselves.
12) Economic Security
Economic security is not attained by the possession of money alone. It is attained by the service one renders – for this may be converted into all forms of human needs, with or without the use of money.
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