QUESTION: How do you stay motivated to achieve your goals?
ANSWER: Keep your eyes on the ball!
To never lose sight of what your goals are, always ask yourself before making any decision (large or small)
… "does this decision get me closer to my goal?"
If it doesn't, you better rethink what you are about to do.
Goals can sometimes seem so far into the future (and unattainable), that it is best to break them down into smaller measurable steps that allow you to easily track your progress along the way.
You can't climb a staircase without taking the first step.
Breaking goals down into smaller measurable steps also helps because you will be able to see the progress along the way (and they will suddenly feel more attainable) and FUN actually.
Try it on your next large project (or anything that you want to add to your wish list) of goals... It works!
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