When You Are Passionate About What You Do, You Shine Like A Star!I was

reminded again this past weekend about how taking
pride in your career makes it that much more enjoyable.
My clients already know that I
love being their print vendor that "
goes the extra mile" each and every day, but sometimes, it just feels a little bit better for some reason to pull off the
"Impossible Deadline".I was at a lunch meeting on Friday afternoon and had a call from a great client with an "URGENT" note asking if I could somehow
"pull off a miracle" and make a full color, full bleed,
10' x 30' building banner by Saturday morning that their client needed to hang off the side of a building in Ft.
Wow, a 10' x 30' full color banner overnight and it was already Friday afternoon? ...
"Hmmm ... this sounds like a fun challenge" I thought to myself, and right there from my Blackberry during the lunch meeting, the wheels were immediately in motion. I love the Blackberry!
Never one to say
"No" to a client request, I contacted my banner vendor and arranged for it to be printed after hours on Friday evening and I would pick it up at 9:30 am on Saturday morning ...
Without a glitch, I delivered it by 10:00am Saturday morning!Needless to say, my client was thrilled, their client was thrilled, and I felt really good about pulling off another
impossible deadline that most (if not all) vendors would have quickly passed on.
This is what separates Red Rock from the pack. We go the extra-mile everyday as our normal work ethic.
See for yourself ... Visit:
http://www.redrockprinting.com/ for more information and online samples.
You will not be disappointed!