Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Friday ...

I hope everyone had a great week.

Friday's are funny in a way ... there's a different "vibe" in the workplace on Fridays. Everyone is in a better mood. Smiles are easier to come by and clients are quicker to do business because of it.

No wonder, when that closing bell sounds, it's off to enjoy your own time ... maybe the beach, to Happy Hour, to family events, soccer games, exercise, parties, whatever ... it's play time!

If there was only a way to make every other day feel like a Friday... Hmmmm .....

The GOOD news is, there is!

... by being HELPFUL - act with your clients as if every day is Friday ... even if there’s no immediate profit in it. Believe me, it will payoff off in the long run.

When you go out of your way to help a client with a problem, they will tell countless people about you ... when they need a service, who do you think they will call? That's right, you.

So, enjoy your day today ... and come Monday, make every day feel like Friday ... your clients will love it!!!

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